How our partnership began
Credo was looking to leverage on its successful business blueprints from great IT service cases like Sysco and Evidi. Both of these cases started with recognised consulting positions and technology skills and were developed into market leaders with highly scalable managed service businesses. We saw an open position for a full-stack player dedicated to cloud-native applications and decided to build that player. So we brought the right people together, starting with Right Management, an Oracle NetSuite implementation partner, Right Consulting, adding integration, analytics and cloud, and Runar Vestrheim, just the right CEO candidate for the project.
Recent Results
This is not our first time. What took three years for Sysco and two years for Evidi, we now do in 2-3 quarters. Antire has kicked off by rapidly establishing all the functional capabilities the company needs to grow and scale: group CFO and CMO are already on board, a great new brand has already been launched, and the initial two companies immediately started to integrate operations.
How we see the future
With the business fundamentals in place, Antire is ready to accelerate. Expect accelerated organic growth as well as fast paced add-on acquisitions to complete the full-stack offering and boost growth.